Rhaphidophora tetrasperma
Also knows as: mini monstera
Family: Araceae
Native to: Southern Thailand and Malaysia
Light conditions: needs bright indirect light
Humidity: it’s a tropical plant and prefers the humidity to be a bit higher than usual
Misting: yes, please!
Toxicity: toxic to animals and humans so no chewing, please!
Air purifying: great air purifier
Easy to grow? yessss
Interesting fact: On 13/06/2021, a variegated rhaphidophora tetrasperma was sold in an internet auction on "Trade me" in New Zealand for a record NZ$27,100 (approximately US$19,300). Someone seems a big (and rich) fan of variegated plants...
Photo: Fotoknorr
Pot and stand not included
Rhaphidophora tetrasperma W12cm x H28cm