Ficus Lyrata
Also knows as: fiddle leaf fig
Family: Moraceae
Native to: lowland tropical rainforest of the Western Africa, from Cameroon west to Sierra Leone
Light conditions: needs bright, filtered light; plants that are kept too dark will fail to grow rapidly
Humidity: it likes normal room humidity
Misting: mist around the plant and not directly on the leaves
Toxicity: toxic
Air purifying: yes! It is among the very best houseplants for purifying indoor air
Easy to grow? not as easy as ficus elastica but if you get the conditions right (see above) it will grow well
Interesting fact: when fiddle leaf fig trees grow outside, they produce flowers that are pollinated by fig wasps. Only the outdoor ones are capable of producing flowers and fruit so if you grow your plant indoor it will not flower
Photo: Fotoknorr
Pot and stand not included
Pot and stand not included
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